Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Thank you

Thank you for all your kind words on my last two posts. And welcome to my new followers; it is beyond flattering that someone would want to read what I have to say.

This being said, I think that I will take a break from blogging. I may keep reading and perhaps even commenting on your posts, but I simply do not have the energy to write. A part of me has died inside. My grandfather is the only man that I've ever truly loved, and he meant more to me than even my father does. And now he's gone. I have lost the will to do anything at all. My existence has reached a level of despair of which I cannot seem to get myself out. 

I wish you all better days than mine. 

All my love,
Lena xx


  1. Oh sweetheart, I feel so sad for you. Take as much time as you need, we'll always be here. The death of a family member is something we need time to grieve and recover from, and it goes without saying its never easy.

    I love you sweetie. Email me if you need. I'll eagerly await your return to blogging.
    *HUGS* <3

  2. honey, as Bella said, take as much time as you need. i'm sorry that you had to go through this terrible experience. it's a hard thing. i mean my aunts still cry about losing their Mother most days. just thinking about her makes them cry. and i'm sorry that you had to go through that. you're a strong person, and i can only hope that you'll get through this, sweetheart. i'm sorry for your loss, as i've stated before. i hope that you will feel better soon. your blog is here for you, and we'll be here for you when you feel like you need it. otherwise, take care of yourself first, love.
    -Sam Lupin

  3. I am so sorry for you loss hun. Take the time you need to grieve, I know to well the situation you are in. I've lost my grandpapi last May and I still have bad days...

    Stay strong and be safe.
    We are all thinking of you and we will be awaiting your return to blogging.

  4. thank YOU, for the time you took to even look at my blog.
    i do hope you feel better soon, but i understand that these things take time. so don't rush it. when i think about death, i tell myself that it's a natural thing. maybe that can help you too?
    take care Lena. you can get through this.
