Tuesday, January 01, 2013

HSGD Day 1 (well, technically day 2)

Didn't eat anything at work, just ran on green tea all day which was great. For dinner, had:
  • Chicken noodle soup (100cal)
  • Smoked oysters (150cal)
  • 7 saltine crackers (90cal)
  • Mozzarella (70cal)
  • Mixed salted nuts (170cal - they're a killer, but I had to have them)
  • 1/2 cup of grapes (30cal)
Total for the day: 980cal. Minus the fruits (220cal) = 760cal. Just under today's limit of 800cal, which is perfect. I thought I'd be able to start the diet off very much below the limits, as I was doing so well not eating today, but then I got home and had a mini-binge. At least there's no real binging and no purging today, though it was difficult to keep dinner down. If I want something later, I'll just have more fruit, to keep it nicely within the limits.

Read so many blogs today which really helped keep my mind off of food today. You are all so inspiring.

Good night girlies!


1 comment:

  1. WOW Well Done E :) You are doing so well :) I have decided I am going to be confused if I am a day behind so I am on Day three as its Wednesday. Are you from the UK too? xx
