Sunday, February 17, 2013


I don't think I've mentioned it here, but I'm gonna be doing a pediatric surgery elective this summer in Singapore! I'm still a bit shocked that I'm going, since I'm only in my first year of Med, but my roommate has contacts over there (as in, the dean of freaking medicine at the only medical school over there. Talk about prestigious) and she got me in. So we'll be spending all of July with her family and I will be on a four-week elective. We would also like to go to Malaysia for a bit as it's supposed to be amazing. I'm pretty excited but pretty nervous at the same time since I do consider myself a bit of a fraud; I mean, I feel that, with my recent level of stupidity, I definitely should not be in med school, let alone have the privilege of doing a very specialized elective after my first year. Anyways. It's happening and there isn't much I can say about it anyways since her whole family is already expecting us. I'll also be doing a stage somewhere up North in the second half of the summer (well, I haven't applied yet, but I'm hoping to get it). So it will be a busy summer for me. I'm just a bit sad because summer is always soccer time for me: playing, coaching and refereeing. I'm pretty intense about it and I was finally going to get a shot at being a higher ranking ref this year, but oh well. And I feel bad for abandoning the girls that I coach. I've been coaching them for a few years now and the parents love me and my roommate and I hate to have to let someone else come coach them, especially since we had to fight to get the position (we're girls and we're young, making us unlikely candidates for a coaching position in a world led by men). Another, albeit stupid reason, for my being a bit sad is that summertime is when I see that guy that I used to see, because he plays soccer and I ref some of his games. I know it's dumb, but I still have trouble letting go. I also love summertime in general, but at least I'll get to be someplace nice and warm and sunny and beach-y for the first half of it, in Singapore. Hopefully I'll get a pretty sweet tan, haha.

On another note, I've been so lazy all weekend, just loafing in my bed and reading blogs. It's great to be back in this world and I love reading about everyone and how you're all doing. My vegan plan is already proving to be challenging because my parents bought me a bunch of food to bring to the apartment, including cheese and yogurt, and I just hate seeing things go to waste. I mean, all my life I've been guilted into not throwing out food and, at the apartment, it's great because I can decide exactly what to eat without have to get speeches and worried looks. But if they send me food that I won't eat, I just feel terribly guilty about it. 

Anyways, hope everyone is having a nice Sunday!


  1. Wow, that sounds like a massive opportunity! It sucks that you'll miss a season of soccer, but I'm sure you'd regret missing this chance to travel and learn.
    Have you told your parents about your vegan plan? I get what you mean about wasting food - I always feel so frikkin' guilty for throwing food away. It's so much harder when other people keep buying you foods you don't eat!

    1. Yeah, exactly, I know that I would regret it if I missed out on this opportunity, especially since this summer will be the last one that I have to myself; med school becomes more grueling next year and I won't have much a summer for the next few years.
      I told my mom about being vegan and I'm sure that she told my dad, but my dad and I have our issues and he enjoys purposely sabotaging things that he doesn't approve of. I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's the way he is.
      I thought of you because I went through a cooking marathon today; my roommate doesn't cook, so I usually make a week's worth of meals and freeze them. Made me think of you and your cooking marathons :)

  2. Just read through your archives and subscribed and want to say that I love your blog and your writing style. :)
    Congrats on the ridiculously great opportunity!
    I totally know what you mean about not wanting to waste food--parents send me care packages of absolute junk and it's just like, "oh. shit." If your roommate isn't vegan, can you pass the food off?

    1. Hi girlie!
      Thank you so much for reading, I'm very flattered :) I will definitely be checking out your blog too.
      Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm doing. My roommate is vegetarian, so I can give her my extra yogurt and cheese and all that, thank God. I know what you mean with the care-packages; I appreciate them, but also know that I won't be eating them. At the same time, I don't want to seem ungrateful though, you know?

  3. Singapore may or may not be a little sketchy lol take some pepper spray! :P super excited for you! I knkw that's hard but you're securing your career and I'm sure your girls will be happy for you regardless. I'm super excited for you love!

    1. Haha, I'm sure Singapore isn't sketchy :p I went to Taiwan last year and was planning on going to Benin this summer (now THAT'S sketchy), but it would've cost me too much, so Singapore it is! I'm pretty nervous though, especially since I don't like change very much, or sleeping away, or new things. But I'm going to do my best to embrace it! :)
