Friday, March 08, 2013

Ok, generally crappy day, blah, blah, I don't want to bore or depress anyone.

BUT. Ok, this may fall into the TMI category, but I really feel like sharing (warning: pretty big trigger). Anyways, the bf and I were sexting before (yes, gives me a ton of anxiety, but he really enjoys it and he's lonely back home and I'm trying to be a good girlfriend and stuff, so, yeah...) AND this is what he said : "God you're so fucking sexy Lena" to which I replied "Yeah? You find me sexy? What's sexy about me?" (I don't take compliments very well, so that's pretty much as good a response as it gets.)  So he starts saying things, whatever, whatever, and then he says this: "The little gap your thighs make when you're standing straight." Now, let me make it clear that he kind of knows that I have food issues, but not really, and he knows NOTHING about the things that we, in our insanity, dream of. So he knows NOTHING about thigh gaps. And I've never ever spoken to him about them or how I am just dying for one or how I envy any girl who has one. Never. So I was like "Little gap?" and he answered "Yeah when you're standing there's a little gap between your thighs. It's so hot." To which I answered "Hmm, I didn't know that... You like it? From the front or the back?" (yes, this is where I get a little obsessive)  and he answered "Well both lol but you get a better view from the front." And then I decided that to obsess any more would seem insane so I stopped but teeheeee!! I don't think I actually have one because I haven't had one since I gained weight over the Holidays, but still, heee :)

Anywayyys. Also just saw The Silver Lining Playbook and I really enjoyed it even though it was a romcom and I'm not really into that. But I think that I could relate on so many levels because the main character is just so messed up. Also, half the meds that they named in there I have taken or am taking, so it made me feel dysfunctional but in an ok way, if that makes any sense.

Anyways, just wanted to share this news. I will stop now before I go on another everlasting rant about how miserable I am and how screwed I am for my exam next week, haha

Have a nice weekend girlies!

P.S. Yesterday's net: 709, today's net: 613. Ran 5k (24m32s). Stupid girl at the track would accelerate every time I tried to lap her, it was driving me insane and ruining my tempo. Whatever. Can't wait to finally run outside again.


  1. Teehee, that's cute. I'm glad you got that little confidence boost! :D
    Have a wonderful weekend dear!

  2. Ahhh!!! Yay!!! Thigh gap for the win! So proud girl! Is it terrible I'm telling you that? Well I am.
    I just went to that last night and I actually really liked it two. My psych brain was working over time.
    Can I say that today I'm miserable too?So I'm with yah.i love ya girlie. Glad you made it to the weekend!

    1. Haha, I don't find it terrible that you're telling me that :p Dunno if I actually have one though, because I've been failing miserably with my intakes (especially since I'm on my period), but, still :)

      I know, my dysfunctional brain was working overtime too. And I was with my roommate, who knows about my issues, and another girl, who doesn't, so my roommate and I were just kind of dying the whole time.

      Yeah, the weekend is going to prove challenging though, because I've calculated it and there is actually no way that I'll be ready for my exam on Friday. I'm pretty much screwed. Anyways, hope you have a good one!

  3. Unfortunately, I don't read Czech, so I can't get very much from your page. Thank you for commenting though :)
